Exceptional Education Child Find
The Laurel School District is participating in an on-going effort to locate, identify, and
evaluate children from birth through age 21 who are physically, communicatively,
mentally, and/or emotionally disabled.
Early identification of children is important to the growth and welfare of each child, and
such information will assist in determining present and future program needs. It is the
goal of the Laurel School District to provide a free, appropriate education to all
disabled children.
Information which could identify an individual child will be maintained by this district
and will be provided to other agencies only in accordance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and EHA-B. A parent is guaranteed the right to inspect any information
forbidden to any unauthorized person without informed consent.
Laurel School District Assistant Exceptional Education Director, Mr. Lorenzo Bridges, II
works with the local school staff, other school systems, individuals, Headstarts, the
Department of Human Services and mental health agencies in an effort to locate
children with special needs.
For more information, please contact the Laurel School District Office of Exceptional
Education at 601-649-6391.